National Science Teachers Association Recommends 5 Elephants

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5 Elephants

Reviewed by Karen Nesbit
Kindergarten teacher

How much do we really know about elephants? Are elephants as intelligent as some folks say they are? Do they play a key role in the ecosystems where they originated and now are living? Did you know elephants hug each other?

In his new book Rob Laidlaw, author and animal protectionist, tells the stories of 5 Elephants. Young readers will meet Echo, Lucy, Tusko, Tarra and Thandora, and learn about their lives in the wild and in captivity. There are many challenges facing elephants and these stories will educate and inspire. Elephants are in trouble and need our help. Discover what you can do to help and become an Elephant Guardian. Anyone who loves animals will love this book!

Review posted on 5/18/2015

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