No Shelter Here review by Glenn Perrett–animal-books-for-older-children

No Shelter Here, Making The World A Kinder Place For Dogs

Pajama Press
2011, 64 pages
ISBN: 9780986949555
ages 8+

Dogs are the most wonderful of companions providing their human family members with love, friendship and so much more and wanting little more than to be cared for and loved in return. Unfortunately, while our species has had a good relationship with canines for thousands of years, we often do not treat them very well. No Shelter Here: Making the World a Kinder Place for Dogs by Rob Laidlaw brings to light many ways in which we fail our canine companions as well as ways to make the lives of dogs much better.

Some of the issues addressed include canine overpopulation, puppy mills, Greyhound racing, sled dog racing, dogs used in scientific research, dogs who are chained up, canine mutilation (debarking, tailing docking, ear cropping), dog shelters and dog adoption. The author effectively points out things such as why puppies should not be purchased from pet stores, what canine companions require to live happy, healthy lives and why adopting dogs from shelters, pounds and rescue groups is a good idea. Numerous photographs and sidebars complement the text.

While the scene for many of the estimated 500 million dogs in the world appears grim, Laidlaw keeps the book upbeat largely by featuring “Dog Champions” and their accomplishments throughout the book. Children will be inspired by the good work done by these champions many of whom are children.

Whether you are a young activist wanting to help dogs or a family considering adopting a canine family member No Shelter Here is a good book to read. Since it deals with issues affecting dogs, how to make things better for our four-legged friends, things to consider before adopting a dog as well as ways to ensure a good life for an adopted dog, this book should be available in libraries – including school libraries.

No Shelter Here can significantly improve things for Canis familiaris – the most wonderful of beings! Highly recommended!

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